Tuesday, June 18, 2013

woowwie - what a b-e-a-utiful day it is today! Seems like a great day to hang out at the Youth Centre and participate in some super awesome activities!

Today we have Outdoor Basketball or the game "bump" to utilize our new basketball net and to take advantage of the glorious evening.  We will be keeping with our Basketball theme tonight when we have Xbox Basketball after playing the real deal outside.

Wednesday is the last day of classes for our senior members so we will be having our famous "Waffle Wednesday" to celebrate.  Come by the Youth Centre to purchase a Waffle and some fixin's for only $0.25. and again, we will be basking in the amazing weather while playing Hippie Horseshoes out back.  

Thursday we will be having a Pool Tournament along with going to pick your own Strawberries. 

*picking Strawberries outing may change days - check Facebook or stop into the Youth Centre for more details*

Friday we will be playing Scene It at 4:00 pm as well as cooling ourselves off at the Swimplex for only $5.00 **Permission forms and money must be given to Cat or Brynna by Thursday**.  We will also be having movies and popcorn in the evening and everyone's invited to wear their favourite PJ's - everyone knows that Cat and Brynna will be wearing their onesies!! - Would we ever pass up an opportunity to wear our PJ's!? NEVER I say!

Stay tuned for another exciting week here at the Woolwich Youth Centre!!

Catch ya on the flip side

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome to the Youth Centre Blog for the week of June 4th - June 7th.

Today stop by the Youth Centre to play some baseball or jackpot with our volunteer Ryan!  At 8:00 pm we will  be setting up Cranium so be prepared to use your Gray Matter.

Wednesday at 4:00 Cat will be pulling out a deck of 52 cards to play cards with everyone! at 7:00 we will be busting out the hula hooping and poi spinning to test out your mad skills.  At 8:00 supplies will be put out to make some wicked awesome bracelets!

Thursday we will try to sink each others battleships whilst playing Battleship.  at 7:00 our volunteer Tasha will be here and will be either playing catch at Gibson Park or Wii Tennis so come prepared for some physical activity!

Friday we will be playing
A is for awesome
C is for creative
R is for respectful
O is for orange?
S is for sweeeet
T is for terrific
I is for intelligent
C is for craaazy
word art!! ACROSTIC word art.  At 6:45 pm the Youth Centre will be providing a ride to K2K Dance.