Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hello June, it's been too long. Glad to see your lovely self once again :-) To celebrate this first day of June, which also happens to be a Friday (double awesomeness, anyone?!?!), the Youth Centre will be starting with some very precise yet intriguing paper folding, also commonly referred to as ORIGAMI.

Our evening activities include but are (never ever) limited to MOVIE & POPCORN with Anna. Bring in a movie from home or maybe we will venture to the local cinema renting establishment to pick one out (I'm in the mood to be loquacious--> did you see what I did there...I'M SO FUNNY!).

And our very own Cat will be taking a dip in the pool for PUBLIC SWIM.  Starts at 7p.m., ends at 8:30p.m. Cost is $2.50. So get your water wings ready.

And as it is that wonderful day of the week called Friday, be smart and safe in all the fantastic adventures that may await you this day and the next.

Laters (wink, wink)


So picture this: I'm standing at home plate, bat in hand and I point to the out field :-) That's right folks, I'm going to hit a home run!! The crowd roars, all while chanting my name, A-N-N-A. Alright, alright...I'll return to reality now (but only if I have to). So, uuummm.....tonight we are playing BASEBALL! Yay, fun. If you too would like to escape this reality and enter into our fantasy world of baseball, come on out to the Youth Centre at 7p.m. Bring your mitt and bat or use ours, it's all the same to us.

For those who are so inclined to avoid sports this glorious evening, there will be a ROCKBAND TOURNAMENT. I don't know about you but I'm in the mood for a little Pearl Jam...ssssoooo good! Albeit, we will never be quite as good as Mr. Vedder but we can still rock it.

Laters :-)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Our brain boost activity for the afternoon will be CRANIUM.

And back by popular demand the evening event will be a PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT. Get a team together and see if you can decipher Cat's crazy clues...there may or may not be a little something something for the winning team! So put those heads together and make it happen.

Another favorite tonight...BALANCE & FLEXIBILITY TESTS. It got pretty funny last time but we learnt some cool beans poses, let's see how we can outdo ourselves this time.

and...and...AND...................a field trip to GALAXY THEATRE GUELPH, woohooo!! Bring your greenery ($$) and a permission form and you too could be driving to this most exotic destination. That's right folks, you read it correctly. The YC will be enjoying some cinematic theatre at the prestigious Galaxy Theatre in Guelph. Your departure time is set for 6:30 p.m. Going to be a bucket of fun, a bucket of popcorn that is.

Laters :)

TUESDAY MAY 29, 2012

It's GYM NIGHT!!!! Anna will be leaving the YC at 6:50ish, tag along for some fun at EDSS. We will be taking a variety of balls so we can play a multitude of sports.

After our return to the YC Cat will be leading us in a cool craft, picture frames. Make a frame for your own
B-E-A-utiful face or design something to adorn someone elses face...maybe a special someone.

Laters, YC blog readers :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

FRIDAY MAY 25, 2012

Friday, Friday, Friday! Today we will be DRAWING PICTURES in the afternoon.

Our evening event will be GUITAR HERO.

At 7:00 p.m. we will be finding our inner child and WALKING TO THE PLAYGROUND, monkey bars anyone? Maybe a friendly game of grounder? Oh to be young again :-)

Once again the weekend is upon us and we implore you, our wonderful youth, to make good decisions and remain safe. Anna & Cat will see you on Tuesday

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We sure do miss jamming with Bob on Thursday nights but the music lives on in his absence. So, as you might have guessed, today's brain boost activity will be PLAYING GUITAR. Come play us a ditty, maybe your favorite tune.Can't wait to hear what those fingers can do => that was unintentional but cool nevertheless :-)

Our evening event will be a thrilling round of TRIVIA! Your smart and you know it, so show off some of that intelligence.

Depending on the weather, we will be getting active by WALKING/RUNNING THE OUTSIDE TRACK. If the weather is working against us, we will be walking the indoor track. Let's get those bodies moving, one step at a time.

And since we love you ssssooo much and we know you love us too, we have got a special activity planned tonight! At 6:30 p.m. we will be embarking on a trip to the pet store to get supplies for our creature friends. Have you met our fishy friends yet? If not, tonight is the night to come by and check them out.

Well folks this is Anna signing off. Hope to see you at the Youth Centre soon because, quite frankly, I'm too cool not to know and I'm sure you are too!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Our brain boost activity for the afternoon will be an exciting game of BACKGAMMON.

Have you ever done anything? Haha, trick question I know. Since you have done at least one thing in your lifetime and I suspect you have actually done like a gazillion things come on in to the YC to play the "ANYONE WHO" game! Let's learn some interesting tid bits of information about each other, like has anyone ever hugged a polar bear? The only way you'll find out is by playing

To get our bodies moving we will be skipping rope tonight! Got some mad skills? Why not show them off? We'd love to see them.

Last but certainly not least there will be a SURPRISE TRIP tonight. It's going to be crazy cool but that's all I can reveal for now. Your mission, if you choose to accept, will be to join us as we go on this adventure of wickedness. You up for it?

Anna & Cat can't wait to see you at the Youth Centre!

TUESDAY MAY 22, 2012

Did you survive the long weekend? We hope you had fun, we most definitely did!! Now it's time to get back to normal life...which is pretty awesome in and of its self :-)

It's Tuesday, which means it's GYM NIGHT. Cat will be walking over to EDSS at 7:00 p.m. or you can meet her there, it's totally up to you.

As per Tuesday tradition, Anna will be making a snack upon the return of those brave enough to venture to the land of ridiculously good times...I mean EDSS. So come on in to the YC at 8:30 p.m. to help MAKE A SNACK with Anna. Is that your stomach I hear?!?!? MMMmmmmm, food.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

FRIDAY MAY 18, 2012

Our brain boost activity today is SMARTYPANTS. Don't know what that is? Neither do I but come on in to the YC after school and find out.

Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can! Can he swing from a thread? Take a look overhead. Hey, there. There goes the Spiderman. Unleash your inner Spiderman. Today at 6:30 p.m. Anna will be taking the Youth Centre to GRAND RIVER ROCKS, a rock climbing gym in Kitchener. Come and challenge yourself. Maybe pretend your Spiderman! See how high you can climb, you'll love it. Make sure to have your permission form and money, the cost to YC members is $10.00, an incredible deal folks :)

For those of our lovely members who prefer not to ruin their fingers and nails rock climbing but would rather beautify, we will be doing MANICURES this evening. Bring your own polish or use some of ours. Must bring own finger nails though...hahaha, obviously!

At 7:00 p.m. there will be a DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION.

It's the long weekend and Anna and Cat hope you have a rockin' time but we implore you to be safe and make good decisions. Have fun but be careful, we really want to see you on Tuesday (in one piece preferably)


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Cat will be conducting some crazy cool science experiments today so come by and add to the craziness! You won't be disappointed.

For all our Junior members, tonight we will be having our Junior Round Table. It's a time to share what's on your mind, any concerns or any random thing you want to chat about. We're up for anything as long as it's respectful, so let's talk about it! Junior members are welcome, Grades 6-8

For the remainder of the evening we will be continuing the XBox awesomeness from yesterday and playing some more Kinect Adventures tonight at 7p.m.

Anna & Cat will be seeing you :-)


We will be leading a Senior Round Table tonight. If there is something on your mind, come out and let's talk about it. We want to know what's going on in your life and how it's affecting you. Senior Round Tables are open to member attending high school.

We will also be playing XBox Kinect Adventure at 7p.m.

We hope to see you :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

FRIDAY MAY 11, 2012

Sweet, sweet Friday, how we missed you! We've got a relaxed and laid back day planned but don't think it will be boring. No sir, the YC is never boring. To start this most glorious day of the week we will be playing CROKINOLE as our brain boost activity.

It's Friday and supper time, so why not join Anna as she goes OUT FOR DINNER? Fill those tummies with deliciousness and do it with some amazing YC members. Seriously, could it get any better than that? And of course we will be staying for dessert...mmmmm dessert! Leaving the YC at 6:45p.m. so be there or not, it's up to you.

Next you may choose to participate in a game of BASKETBALL, maybe work off that amazing dessert you just ate. It is suppose to be a beautiful day so come out and shoot some hoops.

Finally, to end the week we will be getting comfy on the couches and bean bag chairs and watching a movie.There may or may not, but definitely will be, some yummy popcorn. So why not cap off the week here at the Youth Centre with some crazy awesome activities and people.

We will see you next week. Be safe over the weekend and make good choices :)


Let's get pumping (said in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice while flexing)!! The Youth Centre will be visiting the FITNESS CENTRE today at 6:30p.m. Come and learn a thing or two on the free weights or maybe try out the machines. It's good to be active and get the heart rate up, so why not give it a try?

We will also be crowning an air hockey king/queen tonight. Think you have what it takes to reign supreme? Well, we will just have to put you to the test and see. Our evening event is an AIR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT.

Anna & Cat hope you can come check out the Youth Centre because we are only the coolest place in the entire world. Just saying  :-)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Let us get those brains working by playing a friendly game or two of CHESS! Come out and show your skill, we'd love to see it.

It's that time again...YOUTH COUNCIL MEETING time. All Youth Council members are to be present. The meeting will start promptly at 7p.m.

Also at 7p.m. YC members can join in on a game of BALL HOCKEY.

It's sure to be a blast so come and check us out!


We are heading over to EDSS tonight for our first GYM NIGHT of the season! We will be leaving the Youth Centre at 7p.m. and returning at 8:30p.m. Activities include but are not limited to soccer & basketball.

At 8:30 p.m. come make a snack with Anna! Today's culinary creation includes crackers, cheese and fruit. Simple yet delicious.

Hope to see you tonight :)