Thursday, June 28, 2012

FRIDAY JUNE 29, 2012

It's the end of the school year...HOORAH! You made it, way to go! We must now get our party rock on and party like it's 1999. Join us for an all evening end of school celebration. Our little shindig will have tasty edibles, hula hoop and maybe even some tunskis...SOLID if I do say so myself!

So bring a food treat to share with everyone and enjoy a nibble or more from the delicacies others bring. Anna will be making a little something for sure...and we all know how much you rave about Anna's mad kitchen skills. Come and witness, or rather taste, firsthand whatever deliciousness Anna makes.

It's going to be an make an appearance!



Our July calendar is ready for pick up and I must WARN's a sight of beauty!! I seriously don't think we could have packed anymore amazingness into the month. So come on by the Youth Centre and pick up your copy, maybe grab a permission form or two. You definitely don't want to miss out on anything we've got going on.

And don't forget: if your finishing Grade 5, you're old enough to come to the Youth Centre. See you Tuesday , can't wait to meet you :-)


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It's a sad, sad day today...our last adventure to EDSS for GYM NIGHT. But before you get too down and out (because I can see those lips starting to quiver), remember we will also be MAKING SANDWICHES later this evening. See, I knew I could turn that frown upside down!! Cat will be leaving for the gym shortly before 7p.m. and upon your return (uumm, maybe around 8:30ish) Anna will be leading you on a wondrous exploration into the art of sandwich making. That's right, it's an art! Sandwich making can also be very theoretical and possibly philosophical...for example: To add tomato or not to add tomato? Or perhaps the tomato doesn't exist at all (bet you didn't see that coming!). But maybe because I think the tomato exists therefore it must (cogito ergo sum) or perhaps the definition of a tomato necessitates the existence of the tomato (the ontological argument). Soooooooo, why not come and decide for yourself what on earth is going on with the tomato!!!

Laters ;)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Seriously, can you believe June is already half done?!?! Jeez, time sure does fly at super sonic speeds during these lazy, hazy days of summer. I'm actually a little concerned people, with all the great things we have planned in the next few months it's going to be September before you even know it...scary!

Your brains are smart, well sometimes they are! But did you know that you pants are smart too? Yes it's true folks, both brains and pants can be rather intelligent. So to enlighten you on the cool brain boost activity planned this most glorious of Thursdays, we will be playing SMARTYPANTS. Oh wait, maybe I've got it all wrong! Maybe it has nothing to do with smart pants but rather is a game involving delicious Smarties and pantaloons of some my brain is starting to hurt. If your just as confused and curious as me, come on in to the YC to play this most perplexing game.

It's B-E-A-UTIFUL outside! Ssssoooo, why not go out and catch some rays...maybe soak up some of that most valuable Vitamin D. And because I have chosen to never grow old (You too can refuse to accept the rules of space time. Need direction? Second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.) Now that you have gained perpetual youth, join us as we PLAY AT THE PARK!! Because seriously, you're never ever to old to play at the park.

Finally, as the school year winds down and the excitement of summer draws ever nearer there are surely things you would like to discuss. So why not chat with Cat? She will be walking to the park to conduct ROUND TABLE TALKS. Please come and bring some things that are on your mind...we want to know what's up!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Our brain boost activity this afternoon is CLOCK SOLITAIRE.

At 7:00p.m. there is a YOUTH COUNCIL MEETING. All representatives are expected to attend, please and thank you! And we may or may not (but there definitely will, cough cough...who said that?!?) be treats. Mmmmmmmm, can't go wrong with delicious things that fill my tummy. Maybe, if your really good, I'll even consider sharing. Otherwise they're all mine, nom nom :)

And just because La Coupe Stanley has been won by the L.A. Kings, it doesn't mean our hockey season is over. No sir, at 7:00p.m.  there will be some awesome BALL HOCKEY being played at the YC!! Lets see if those Kings have anything on our awesomeness?! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hiring a Summer Student

Woolwich Youth Centre is hiring for a summer student position!

July & August only, Tuesday - Friday, 2:00-10:00.
Must be enrolled in post-secondary education for September.
Must have a reliable vehicle and valid license.
Must be able to work well with youth age 11-19.

Contact YC or WCS for more info and how to apply.

Don't meet the requirements? Consider volunteering at the YC, we are always happy to have new people with different talents join our awesome team.  


At this present juncture, we will be partaking in a form of intellectual merriment! The aforementioned exertion of intellect will be in the form of a game and will call upon your capacious lexicon. Can you guess what our brain boost activity will be this afternoon? Common...take a guess! It's SCRABBLE, makes sense now doesn't it?!?

How do you organize a space party?                          You planet!
What do you call an alligator in a vest?                       An investigator! Ba dum chhhhh, bahahaha

So our evening event tonight will be "BE A COMEDIAN". Now, obviously my attempt at humor was quite impressive and I know your feeling a little intimidated. After all, how can you top that? But trust me, I'm not as funny as I would have you believe (it's true and very sad). So come on in to the YC and make our faces and tummies hurt from laughing so much. I challenge you good sir/madam!

And finally if those abs aren't hurting enough from laughing then we will get them hurting by blasting them at the FITNESS CENTRE! That's right, I'm thinking crunches, bicycle crunches, captain's chair...whoa, it's going to burn ssssoo good :) Join Anna at 8:00p.m. as she heads up to the gym. Must have a WMC Fitness Centre PAR-Q form filled out as well as a permission form. Must be 14 years old to participate. Anyone interested in going must wear clean fitness shoes and proper exercise clothing (no jeans).

Laters ;)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I've decided to go crazy...want to come?!? Hahaha, seriously, could I get any funnier? I think not!! Today's brain boost activity is CRAZY 8's, come out a play with us...see who is the craziest of them all (mmmm, I'm betting it's Cat or Anna, just saying).

At 18:30 we will be playing a little BALL HOCKEY. And I feel it is only fair to warn you that I was on fire yesterday, there were even witnesses to my mad skills. So be prepared for an awesome game.

And finally at 19:30p.m. we will once again be crowning a POOL TOURNAMENT king/queen. Now, some of you are really good, but my pool abilities have been improving as of late. Urg, maybe just maybe I won't come last this time :) I bet your pretty good, so why not join in our fun?

Laters ;)


It's that most dreaded time of year again...FINAL EXAMS! Anna and Cat, the most genius geniuses ever (well, maybe only self proclaimed geniuses), are more than happy to help you with your homework. The Youth Centre is a great, quiet place to study. And because being smart is super cool (obviously), we have set up June Merit Points....ssssooo you can earn points by showing us an "A" on your report card. 8 points = treat!! See, getting good marks is smart for so many reasons. 

Today, after school, is HOMEWORK HELP/STUDY HALL. I know homework is your least favorite thing to do but it needs done so why not bring it to the YC and at least surround yourself with amazing me :)

At 6:30p.m. Cat will be going to PUBLIC SWIM here at WMC. The cost to YC members is an astounding $2.50. 

And to cap off this Tuesday we will be busting out the Wii MARIO KART...dibs on Princess.

Laters ;)