Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Our last day of March here at the Youth Centre...should I give you a moment to collect yourself?!? I know it was a shock to me, after all how could March possibly be over? Time seems to pass with great speed these days. How can this be? Has time been altered or is it merely my much to consider. Hhhmmmmmmm....that was me pondering. I cam up with nothing, how about you? is in fact the final day of March as far as the YC is concerned because we are closed tomorrow for Good Friday, we will see you again on Tuesday April 2.

But back to 3:30 grab your swim trunks and your flippy floppys. Oh and it is imperative that you do not forget your nautical themed pashmina afghan...because we are going SKATING ($2). Ha, did I get you? You thought we were going swimming didn't you? I got you good. I mean your welcome to wear your swim trunks and afghan skating, really, why not wear them? But you should remember your skates as well. Oh I just had a lovely idea: skating while wearing flippers. Pure genius. Really, I'm astonished that MIT hasn't recruited me.

At 4, for those neat enough to join us skating, we are having SKATING RACES. You can get Go 4 Gold stickers!

Also at 4:00 p.m. we will be chillin' while playin' Wii MIT, did you lose my number?

And finally, to welcome "spring" (notice the quotes, because I do not believe spring has arrived. No, I think it was a cruel and nasty joke the calendar played on us) we will PLANT A GARDEN. This activity costs $1.00.   

Have a great long weekend, the sweetest of weekends, and here's hoping the weather is nice.

Laters :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


At 4:00 we are getting our science on. How does one accomplish such a thing you ask? Well, it requires careful guidance. So bring yourself over to the YC and we will conduct MINI SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS. Fun, right?!?!

At 7:00 it's another double billing: Wii MARIO PARTY and 2 vs. 2 POOL TOURNAMENT

Hope to see you here, and remember we are open from 3 pm to 10 pm.

Laters :)


Yo, yo, yo youth! We've got a fun day for you. At 4:00 we are playing RUSH HOUR, and let me tell you I am thrilled that it is only a game of intelligence and not the real thing because I was stuck in Toronto traffic last week which was unbelievable! I much prefer the game as opposed to the real thing, anyday! At 6:30 get your swimsuits and flippy floppys ready because we're going SWIMMING. At 7:00, for those who go swimming, we have SWIMMING RACES as part of our Go 4 Gold. And finally, if that wasn't already a pretty stellar day, we are having a WAFFLE DINNER at 8:00, becayse yesterday was National Waffle Day and any excuse to eat waffles, right?!?!?

Hope your enjoying this lovely spring type weather, shouldn't be much longer. And I simply refuse to acknowledge any weather information the interweb or any other source tries to sell me, after all there will NOT be snow this week.

Laters :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


At 4:00 we are playing MASTERMIND, this is your chance to stump us! Create such an amazing puzzle that we will never be able to figure it out. And go....

At 6:30 we've got the good ol' game of HIPPIE HORSESHOES planned. It's a Go 4 Gold event, so make sure to participate and hopefully get stickers! It might just land you this weeks winnings (which happen to include some edibles).

At 7:30 we have a double billing. Yes, both DRAWING and JUNIOR ROUND TABLE will commence at that hour. The topic of the round table and this whole year will be RESPECT! So we will be thinking of things like "How can you show respect?", "Who do you respect?", "Why should we respect?", etc, get the idea. So come ready to chat about respect. Note: every time you read or say the word "respect" it should probably be said like Don Vito Corleone, just saying.

Laters :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It's the first day of spring! Can you believe we made it through winter? Although I want to celebrate and do a little happy dance, it's hard to get in the spirit when it is currently snowing out. Really snow?!? We've had enough, your welcome to take your leave now.

We have a busy day today. At 4:00 it's LET'S PLAY CARDS. At 6:30 we have a TWISTER TOURNAMENT planned. At 7:00 KARYN IS COMING TO VISIT, and we will be welcoming back our new be nice! And finally at 8:00 we've got ROCKBAND (cue amazing air guitar performance). See, I told you it was a busy one. If we keep ourselves busy maybe the snow will go away and spring will take it's place.

Laters :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


LEARN TO PLAY CHESS! Believe it or not, I don't know how to play chess. But you can avoid a fate as unfortunate as mine simply by coming into the YC today to learn how to play chess. Now, (obviously) I won't be teaching you but Cat has the best chess skills around these parts of town. So come in and learn and play and maybe challenge a worthy opponent.

7 is the hour at the Youth Centre. We've got a 1 vs 1 POOL TOURNAMENT as part of Go 4 Gold and on top of that we're playing Wii MARIO KART. Holy fun Batman...I know.

With the saddest regrets I have to announce that The Wizard of Oz musical trip has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Sorry to those who wanted to go.

Laters :)


MARCH lucky ducks! I'm trĂ©s jealous.  So today, we've got EGG & SPOON RACES at 7:00 p.m. It's part of our Go 4 Gold initiative, so let us get moving and maybe win prizes, oh yeah! At 7:30 we are walking over to THE ROBIN'S NEST to enjoy MUSIC NIGHT, soy decaf cappucino anybody? Yes, please.

And to conclude this day of March, the 12th day to be exact, we will be rocking GUITAR HERO. I must practice my drumming and guitar skills.

Laters :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Not to fret, your dearest Cat is back to her full shift today! But you have to admit it was good times we had here at the YC, just you lovely youth and me, the greatest youth worker ever! Yes, good times, good times.

At 4:00p.m. you can adorn your wrist with the KNOT & BEAD BRACELETS we will be creating.

At 6:15, if the weather cooperates of course, we will be having DISTANCE SNOW THROWS.

At 7:00 we will be watching the MOVIE "THE WIZARD OF OZ".

And as it is once again Friday, be safe and smart. But have fun.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


How can it already be March? Don't get me wrong, I'm completely in favor of it, I simply can't believe how quickly time passes. It must be all the cool things we do here at the YC. The birds will be chirping, the sun shining and the sweet warm wind will be blowing before much longer...lovely, just lovely. Okay, enough mushy poetry.

This Thursday Cat will be continuing her training and as such you get Anna all day long! Your beyond elated, I know.

At 4:00 p.m. you can try your hand at BACKGAMMON. If you don't already know how to play, come on by and I will teach you. It's a fun game.

At 7:00 p.m. we will be having YOUTH COUNCIL, all Youth Council Reps are expected to attend so please ensure your there. After all, this is the place you get to make decisions about what you will be doing at the YC. It's your opportunity to make a difference for yourself, other members and the YC at large. And I know your super bright with lots of novel ideas, so share with the rest of us. Great, glad we settled that.

Finally, to end the evening we will be having an AIR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT at 8:00 p.m.

Laters :)