Friday, October 11, 2013

Exciting Stuff Happening!

Hello Everyone! We hope that you all have a great long weekend!  Here's what's going on at the Woolwich Youth Centre for the week of Tuesday October 15 - Friday October 18.

Tuesday October 15:
We will be heading to the EDSS gym to play Badminton with our volunteer Ryan and either Cat or myself (that's Brynna!!)

Wednesday October 16:
We will be utilizing the WMC ice rink to enjoy the public skating with Brynna for only $2!! So come out to enjoy the public skating time.  Remember to bring a helmet if you're under 16 years of age.

Thursday October 17:
Today at 4:00 we will be playing Scrabble for a Brain Boosting activity.  We also have 2 very exciting events going on this evening.  At 6:30 we will be going Public Swimming at the WMC for only $3! We will also be participating in Aqua Zumba at 7:30 in the WMC

Friday October 18:
We will be checking on our Garden Patch before the frost gets here.....I know....frost...CRAZY

Anyways, that's all for now folks, check back again to see more of our awesome activities.

Cheers everyone!


Good Day Woolwich Youth!!

We have had an exciting week this week leading up to Thanksgiving.  We had a Youth Centre Round Table event and we went to the EDSS gym with our volunteer Ryan and played some sports. 

The Woolwich Youth Centre Staff and Members would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving long weekend.  We hope that everyone gets to spend some time with loved ones and/or family and friends.  Also, eat lots of delicious food because this is the best time of year to indulge in amazing meals!!

We hope everyone has a safe long weekend and Happy Thanksgiving from the Youth Centre Staff and Members!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wowwee The End is Near

Hello Youth Centre Blog readers!

It's the end of the month as we know it and I feel fine!

It's already half way through the very last week of September and we have some events that you don't want to miss.

Thursday Sept 26 we have the game of "Clue" happening at 4:00 pm with Cat.  Maybe it will be dress up Clue! That means you can scrounge up some items from our Dress Up box to impersonate your character from the game! Sounds exciting doesn't it?!  We also have a "Crystal Clear" presentation from Jenn, a Mary Kay representative, who will teach us all about our facial routines in the morning. She may also help us determine what type of skin we all have! Everyone is unique and different and that's something she will help us discover.

Friday Sept 27 this day marks the end of September and we hope you will share with us some memorable moments you had from your very first month of school.  At the Youth Centre this evening we will be playing Wii Trivial Pursuit at 4:00 pm with Cat and at 7:00 pm I (that's me, Brynna) will be putting in an awesome movie and will be making some popcorn.  The members, that's you guys, will be able to suggest a Youth Centre appropriate movie to watch with me! I will also bring in a couple that I think some of you may want to watch. 

The staff from Woolwich Youth Centre would like to say good bye to the month of September and we hope you come and check out the Youth Centre!  Come out and visit us in October because we have an exciting month planned for y'all!

Cheers folks,

Brynna and the YC Staff!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My oh my, how time flies!

Hi y'all, Tuesday Sept 10 We have an exciting day planned here at the Youth Centre. Cat will be making clay chess pieces with you at 4:00 for our fancy new games table that we made this summer. At 7:00 we have the most exciting event ever! Brynna, that's me guys, we'll be going to PILATES. The cost is $2.00 with a permission form as well! Wednesday Sept 11 We will be playing Scrabble at 4:00 and at 7:00 there is a Youth Council Meeting. Thursday Sept 12 Happy Friday Junior! We will be playing Monopoly at 4:00 and then going to the WMC Fitness Centre with ME, again!! The cost is $5.00 and you must be 14 years of age or older. There is a permission form required for this excursion too. Friday Sept 13 YAY!!! It's FRIDAY! The Youth Centre will be showing a Nova Documentary to learn about some interesting new things! Also Cat will be taking a trip to the Waterloo Swimplex!! This trip costs $5.00 and requires a permission form! Happy Weekend everyone!! See you around!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's over!!!! Summer, mean.

My oh my how the days fly! Today marks the beginning of a new school year, which also marks the devastating end of summer However, let's stay positive and talk abou all the absolutely amazing things the Woolwich Youth Centre has planned for the first week of September. First, I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend, and summer for those of you we didn't see at the Youth Centre. Please come in and tell us all about your adventures, epic moments, and scrapbook moments, maybe even some epic failures of the summer. We would LOVE to hear about how your summer was. We say farewell to our Summer Student Shelby at the end of this week. Thankfully she was willing to hang out with us for one extra week while Cat is off on holidays, AGAIN I would like to add. None the less we hope you are enjoying your time off Cat, we will be happy to see you again next week! Let's get into the juicy stuff...this week we have amazing things planned here at the Youth Centre and we would love for you to come and check it out. Today (Tuesday Sept 3) -We will talk about how your first day of school was. I want to know all about it. What did you wear? What did you have for lunch? Who is your teacher? What's your schedule look like? Plus, I brought some pretty amazing snacks to share with members who are willing to contribute to the Round Table discussion! -we will also be welcoming our amazing volunteer Ryan tonight at 7:00 pm! We will be getting active outside playing Jackpot or Baseball or any other activity of your choosing. Ryan's always excited to play some games with the members! Tomorrow (Wednesday Sept 4) -At 4:00 I will be setting up Wii Jeopardy as our Brain Boosting activity for the day. I welcome all members who care to challenge me in a round or two of Jeopardy. -At 7:00 we will be setting up the Hippie Horseshoes/Ladder ball game outside. So come out and toss some hippie horseshoes with Shelby! Thursday Sept 5 -We will be making normal looking paragraphs sound absolutely ridiculous by choosing adjectives, verbs, and nouns to crazy Mad Libs. Make some funny stories with me to read aloud with the group! Friday Sept 6 -We will be having a very special guest coming to play Checkers with the members. Kelly will be hanging out with you guys! So come on by the Youth Centre to say Aloha to Kelly and maybe play some checkers or chess with her. -We will also be crafting and colouring with Shelby in the evening. She's very artsy so come on out to get join the fun! Have an awesome week Woolwich Youth Centre Blog Readers! Come on out to the Youth Centre to vent about the first week of school or to discuss whatever's on your mind. We love to see you all! Laters! YC Staff

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hello Youth Centre Blog Readers

Wednesday July 31:
We are having a Crokinole Tournament at 2:00 with Shelby and will be Drawing and Painting after the Tournament. At 7:00 we will be playing Basketball and Bump outside.

Thursday August 1:
At 2:00 you will have a chance to give your brain a workout with Cranium.  We will also be playing Scene It Jr to test your trivia about movies and tv.  Then at 7:00 we will be playing a game of touch football and catch

Friday August 2:
At 2:00 we will be having teacher's quiz to test your knowledge.  At 4:00 we will be playing Wii bowling and boxing to be active.  At 7:00 we will be playing ball hockey and having a shoot out with Ryan and Tasha

Have a great week everyone and come out to check out the Youth Centre and take advantage of our summer hours from 1:00 - 10:00  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Greetings from the Youth Centre!!
For the week of July 23rd - 26th we have an amazing line up of activities for all Youth Centre Members and Drop Ins

Just a Reminder: We now have a Drop In rate of $1.00 for anyone who would like to hang out in the Youth Centre on a random day.  Or if a member has a friend staying with them and would like to come to the Youth Centre they are more then welcome to come and use the facility and all our toys for only $1.00!!

Tuesday July 23rd we have some gardening scheduled for both the WMC and for the Community Garden with Shelby and Ryan!! We also have either basketball or ball hockey planned with myself (I know right....awesome) and Ryan.

Wednesday July 24th we have water gun tag planned for 4:00 pm so if you want to join in on that you may want to bring an extra shirt.  We will also be expecting our lovely Karyn to come back and visit us here, so if you want to stop by and say "howdy" to Karyn today is your day.  

Thursday July 25th we will be having some board games out to play and if you have a favourite board game from home you'd like to bring, please do so.  We would love to try new games and get everyone involved! At 6:00 pm we will be having our first ever Family Dinner.  Bring your own food and join the staff and other members for dinner at our table!  If you want to bring something to share that would be awesome too.  We will also be having a very special guest speaker comings at 7:00 pm from Public Health teaching and informing us on sex-ed.  If you have any questions on the topic of sex-ed, today would be the time to get them answered.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tonight July 10th
We will be making goop tonight since I forgot the Play Doh ingredients...."DOH". So come prepared to get your hands dirty....

Thursday July 11th
Hey gang, we have ANOTHER trip planned...WOW 2 trips in 1 week! (What an amazing week to come to the Youth Centre) Shelby will be taking some members to the Farmers Market at 10:00am. So make sure you are ready to leave the Youth Centre at 10:00am sharp.  We will also be selling Ice Cream cones for $1.00 at 6:15 pm and a Pool Tournament at 7:00 pm.

Friday July 12th
We will be heading to LAZER QUEST!!! Come out to the Youth Centre around 6:30 pm to head out with Shelby and Brynna.  This trip requires a permission form and a fee of $19 to be handed to a Youth Centre staff member by Thursday evening.  We will also be having a movie night at the Youth Centre at 7:00 pm so come out and get comfy on our couches!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Awesomeness at the Youth Centre

Howdy Readers!!

It's the first week of July that marks a number of news items here at the Youth Centre

1. We'd like to extend a HUGE Youth Centre welcome to Shelby - our new summer student for July and August.  Stop by the Youth Centre to introduce yourselves and to say hello

2. We are now in our extended summer hours time of the year.  So from now until August 31st the Youth Centre will be open from 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm. So stop by anytime after 1:00!!

3. We have a really exciting first week of July!!

Wednesday we will be helping to finish the games table! So come to the youth centre to add your personal touch

Thursday we have Hippie Horseshoes, a game of spoons, and BUY A FREEZIE ALL DAY

Friday we have chess and checkers going on, probably on our new games table, and we will be having a gardening day for a prize of pizza!!!.  Cat will also be going on a trip to the Waterloo Swimplex - permission forms and $5 required.

Stop by the Youth Centre to check out other awesome games and activities we have going on! Remember we're open at 1:00 pm now so don't be shy!!

Cheers Readers!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

woowwie - what a b-e-a-utiful day it is today! Seems like a great day to hang out at the Youth Centre and participate in some super awesome activities!

Today we have Outdoor Basketball or the game "bump" to utilize our new basketball net and to take advantage of the glorious evening.  We will be keeping with our Basketball theme tonight when we have Xbox Basketball after playing the real deal outside.

Wednesday is the last day of classes for our senior members so we will be having our famous "Waffle Wednesday" to celebrate.  Come by the Youth Centre to purchase a Waffle and some fixin's for only $0.25. and again, we will be basking in the amazing weather while playing Hippie Horseshoes out back.  

Thursday we will be having a Pool Tournament along with going to pick your own Strawberries. 

*picking Strawberries outing may change days - check Facebook or stop into the Youth Centre for more details*

Friday we will be playing Scene It at 4:00 pm as well as cooling ourselves off at the Swimplex for only $5.00 **Permission forms and money must be given to Cat or Brynna by Thursday**.  We will also be having movies and popcorn in the evening and everyone's invited to wear their favourite PJ's - everyone knows that Cat and Brynna will be wearing their onesies!! - Would we ever pass up an opportunity to wear our PJ's!? NEVER I say!

Stay tuned for another exciting week here at the Woolwich Youth Centre!!

Catch ya on the flip side

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome to the Youth Centre Blog for the week of June 4th - June 7th.

Today stop by the Youth Centre to play some baseball or jackpot with our volunteer Ryan!  At 8:00 pm we will  be setting up Cranium so be prepared to use your Gray Matter.

Wednesday at 4:00 Cat will be pulling out a deck of 52 cards to play cards with everyone! at 7:00 we will be busting out the hula hooping and poi spinning to test out your mad skills.  At 8:00 supplies will be put out to make some wicked awesome bracelets!

Thursday we will try to sink each others battleships whilst playing Battleship.  at 7:00 our volunteer Tasha will be here and will be either playing catch at Gibson Park or Wii Tennis so come prepared for some physical activity!

Friday we will be playing
A is for awesome
C is for creative
R is for respectful
O is for orange?
S is for sweeeet
T is for terrific
I is for intelligent
C is for craaazy
word art!! ACROSTIC word art.  At 6:45 pm the Youth Centre will be providing a ride to K2K Dance.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's finally here...the last week in May and do we ever have a fantastic line up of events

Tonight we have a walk to Lazer Video for those who are interested in getting an ice cream this evening.  We also have a pool tournament at 7:30 pm with our volunteer Ryan.

Wednesday we have a Round table for Juniors and Seniors and an opportunity to partake in AquaFit or Lane Swim in the WMC for $3.00

Thursday We have a trail hike at Floradale Dam to appreciate the neat-ure around our lovely township! We will also be having a Pictionary night so bring your artsy fartsy capabilities.

Friday the Youth will vote on a mall to go shopping at so bring in your permission forms so you can have a say in which mall we visit!

Hope everyone had a wonderful month of May and we hope June will be even better!! Come out to visit the Youth Centre!! We always have fun things going on here and would love you to participate.

To become a member to have unlimited access to all the stuff here at the Youth Centre drop by and talk to either Cat or myself (Brynna).  We will give you a membership registration form and you will hopefully give us $30.00 to join our wonderful facility.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Good day readers!!

WOW! what an exhilarating week the Woolwich Youth Centre has planned this week.  My oh my how will we decide what to highlight in our Blog this week, from a tribute to Canadian music to Special Guests visiting the Youth Centre, oh the choices we must make...

Wednesday we have a tribute to Canadian music happening all day, so bring some of your favourite Canadian music to showcase anytime at the Youth Centre! We also have a very special guest joining us - Michelle will be here teaching everyone how to paint with artistic flare! If you are interested in improving your painting techniques or skills come to the Youth Centre and Michelle will give you some pointers!

Thursday at 4:00 Cat will be playing Chinese Checkers and she needs some hefty competition, so come show her how great you are at Chinese Checkers! If you have a favourite board game that you love to play you should bring it to the Youth Centre because it's "bring your own board game" day! Also another special guest will come to visit, you all know her well, in fact she used to be the one behind the keys here at the Woolwich Youth Centre Blog - Anna will be here! She will be armed with multiple tasty ingredients and from what I can imagine an amazingly scrumptious recipe.  make a snack with Anna!!

Friday we have a trip planned to go to the Waterloo Swimplex permission forms (and $5.00) are required and need to be submitted to Cat or Brynna by Thursday.  Bring your water wings, rubber duckies, and swimming suits and brace yourself for an evening full of splishy splashy f-u-n!  Cat will be departing around 6:30 or so.  If you don't feel like Waterloo Swimplex on a Friday evening come and join your humble part-time Youth Worker Brynna (me of course) from some good ole fashioned movie and popcorn I will be bringing some of my favourites for you to choose from!

We hope everyone had a safe and fun long weekend and will come and visit us at the Woolwich Youth Centre this week.  We always have exciting things planned and would love to see your lovely faces!

This is Brynna, signing off!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Greetings Woolwich Youth Centre Blog Readers!!

We have a fun filled week packed with activities you definitely don't want to miss:

Wednesday 15th we have chess.  If you don't know how to play - don't fret! Cat is an excellent teacher (I most definitely do not know how to play...).

We will also be having a Youth Council Meeting, those who are members please come and get the info! 

At 8:30 om we will be having a Twister Tournament, so come with your flexible limbs!

Thursday 16th we will be playing Clue - come armed with your detective brains!

A TRIP A TRIP A TRIP!!!! We will be adventuring out in Neature to Sandy Hills Pinery (FOR FREEE)
**Permission Forms are Required**

At 7:00 we will be practicing our tactile skills by playing with modelling clay and Play-Doh! I may even bring in some supplies so we can make our own!!

Friday 17th will be a nice "easy listening" evening with a game of Monopoly, Guitar and Piano playing, and Wii Rock Band. Come enjoy the nice musical evening with the Youth Centre group!

Come out to the Youth Centre to enjoy our festivus for the rest of us!! We have lots of fun here at the YC! Come out and check it out!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hi Gang!

The week is almost over but not to worry we are still pumping out the fun here at the Youth Centre! This evening we have a few events planned that you won't want to miss:

We are going for a jaunt to the local No Frills at 7:00 to pick up some tasty treats for the evening, so don't forget to bring your pocket books and break open your piggy banks! Also at 7:00 tonight our lovely volunteer Tasha will be making an appearance I' m sure she'd love for you all to stop by and say "howdy".

Also at 8:00 we will be organizing some Ball hockey outside the Youth Centre.  Make sure you come with your game face on!

Friday May 10th we have another exciting day full of adventure!

at 4:00 Cat will be starting an "add-a-line story writing". Think of some interesting, funny, exhilarating lines you can add to the Youth Centre story and pop by to hear what shenanigans forms in the end!

at 7:00 it's DISNEY MOVIE DAY!! Come armed with your favourite Disney movies to share with the group! Some Suggestions: Mulan, Lion King, Little Mermaid, Toy Story, my oh my how the list could go on!  Plus, the music in Disney movies is so inspiring and beautiful...this is an evening you surely don't want to miss


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hello All -
My name is Brynna...many of you may know me from last summer when I was working the summer student position here at the Youth Centre.  I am honoured to announce that I am now the part-time employee!

I just wanted to say "hello" to everyone and I'm so happy to be back! I know we will have great times and I you will be hearing from me frequently on this Blog!

Come in and say "hi", I'd love to see you.

Cheers everyone -
Brynna :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

FRIDAY MAY 3, 2013

The time has come...this is my very last Youth Centre blog entry! Please try and control yourself, we knew the time would be soon upon us. I even warned you, but I do understand...I'm just that amazing. But in all seriousness, this is my last post. It has been a new experience for me (this blog thing that is) and it was totally fun! I'd like to think that you, my mystery readers, also enjoyed it. I tried to keep you entertained with my wit. And not only is this my last post, tomorrow is my last day! But like I mentioned before, I will come back and fact, I think I'm already scheduled late in May. See, it will only be a short time before you see my beautiful face again.

Soooo, what's on the agenda tomorrow? Well, since you 4:00 we are playing BATTLESHIP...and I bet I will reign supreme (and if I don't, maybe you should let me because it is my last day, hehe, see what I did there?). Then at 7:00 we are rockin' out with some ROCK BAND. Oh Rock Band, I will rock you! Yep. And finally at 7:30 we are hopefully going swimming at WATERLOO SWIMPLEX. All you have to do is bring your permission form and $5. That's it, pretty easy stuff.

Like I said earlier, it has been a pleasure. I will definitely miss the YC and writing this blog but not to worry because I will never be too far (except when I am, hehe).

So, this is Anna signing off one last time......

Laters :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


It's May Day!!! How exciting, it's just too bad Canadians don't celebrate it. But really, can you believe it is already May?!?! One could hardly tell by the weather...seriously it's pure craziness. Anyway, getting back to the important stuff...we are unofficially celebrating the first day of May. How do we plan to do this? Well, since you asked...we are going to READ, WRITE, RECITE POETRY at 4:00...oh, oh, oh...I have a thought...your poetry could be all about May! Aren't I smart? No need to answer, as it is obviously a rhetorical question.

At 6:30 we are living wild by playing HIPPIE HORSESHOES.

And what kind of unofficial celebration would it be without food? Soooo, we are continuing with WAFFLE WEDNESDAYS...only $0.25/waffle...a bargin people! And you even have your choice of blueberry or chocolate chip...amazing! We'd love to see you here to not officially welcome May.

And a bit of might want to get some tissue ready because I'm about to break your heart, and I apologize in advance for all the heart breakage...I still love you! I have submitted my resignation as your neatest and most loved Youth Worker. It has been tons of fun and I'm so grateful to take away so many memories but life is taking me in another direction. But don't get too upset because Cat will still be here and I plan on volunteering, just like I did before I worked here...kind of a full circle thing. My last day will be this Friday May 3! On Thursday May 2, we will be having the most sensational goodbye party for me...or the tiniest shindig...we will just have to see how it turns out, after all, it's all up to you! So come say farewell.

Laters :)

Friday, April 26, 2013


We've got a few questions for you. Yes, you! So be prepared to answer them. 20 QUESTIONS at 4:00.

At 7:00 we are ORDERING McDonalds and/or can try and grab a spot in the car or give your order and $$ to Cat and perhaps, if your really nice, she'll fill your order for you.

Finally, at 8:00 we are going to burn some of our previously purchased and aforementioned fast food edibles by busting up the KINECT DANCE floor.

Laters :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


At 4:00 we are playing everyone's favorite game, MONOPOLY. I call the thimble, and nobody better mess with the thimble!

At 6:30 we will be embarking (a fancy word meaning "to leave") to VOLUNTEER TRAINING with Karyn somewhere in the big city town. This is for all of our wonderful youth members who so graciously (but only after a little extra convincing on my part) volunteered to help with the Waterloo Marathon. I'm nowhere near ready, how about you? Been practicing your water hand-off skills? Oh my, 21.1km here I come (if I have too, which apparently I do).

At 7:00 there will be a POOL TOURNAMENT.

Laters :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Our after school activity today will be at 4:00, it's LET'S PLAY CARDS. Presumably, we will be playing cards.

The Youth Centre is welcoming spring back by going on a trail walk, weather permitting of course. Be at the YC at 6:15, with a permission form, and you can join Anna on a neature walk adventure!

At 8:00 there will be an AIR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Isn't the earth pretty neat, what with all the neature and such! Neat. At 4:00 we are going to try and cram our heads full of as much earth knowledge as we possibly can by watching a PLANET EARTH DVD. Really neat.

At 6:30 there is a trip to Galaxy...and I don't mean an out of our world, space-like galaxy (like Andromeda), I mean GALAXY THEATRE. To watch a mooooooovie. We'll drive and even sit with you, all you have to do is bring back your permission form and make sure you have enough money to buy a ticket ($10).

At 8:00, we shall be telling GHOST STORIES IN THE DARK.

Laters :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013


It's a P.A. Day!!! Aren't you just thrilled? I know you are. And we even have a few fun things for you to do today.

Unfortunately, due to lack of interest, we have cancelled the Walmart & Dollarama shopping trip scheduled for 3:15. Sorry.

But don't fret, as we still have fun things to do. At 4:00 we are going to play CRANIUM.

At 6:30 we are driving anyone who has brought back a permission form to the KIDS DANCE in Breslau ($5)

And I am very excited to announce that at 7:00 we are doing FANCY MANICURES BY HEATHER! Super exciting. We have been admiring Heather's talents for quite some time, as she has painted several members nails before (she's one of our members mom and a neighbor to other members). So help us welcome Heather for the evening and get your nails done. Too fun.

Finally, we will be watching MOVIES and enjoying POPCORN. Sounds just about perfect to me.

Be safe out there! We want to see your beautiful faces here on Tuesday, got it?

Laters :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


4:00 Wii Smarty Pants

7:00 Round Table for Seniors

8:00 Play Pool with Tasha

Laters :)




Laters :)

Friday, April 12, 2013


WE ARE OPEN! It's warm, illuminated and entertaining here. Our building runs off a generator, so our electricity is fully functional, hoorah. So that means the computers and all other conveniences we offer are working. Not to mention, we have HEAT!!!! Not sure about you but my house is freezing. Silly weather...biggest understatement ever. So what do we have going on this most crazy,  icy day?

At 4:00 p.m. we are playing CHESS


At 7:30 WATERLOO SWIMPLEX, make sure to have your $5 and permission form

Woolwich Memorial Centre, the building where we are located, is OPEN all night, providing a warm place for people without electricity. So, please feel free to drop in to WMC to warm up.

Hope your all safe and well.

Laters :)
For anyone who needs someone to talk to, whether it is about recent events in our community or anything else, this number is completely private and can be very helpful.



Cat and Anna are always here to talk and we can help find other resources for you too.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


We love music. Today, we are PLAYING PIANO AND GUITAR in the afternoon. Later, at 7:00 pm you can SHARE YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC with us, don't forget to bring it in. But remember, only YC appropriate content!!  At 6:30 p.m. we are going to hear the Music of Led Zeppelin at the Centre in the Square. This is going to be rad, so make sure you bring in a permission form and $5. That's a huge discount folks!!!! Usually these tickets cost $50.00+ but you lucky ducks get a crazy amazing deal at $ let's take full advantage of it. Ya?!?!

That's all we got for you today! Hope to see your beautiful faces.

Laters :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


At 4:00 p.m. you can come by the Youth Centre and we can help you edit or create a personalized cover letter. A cover letter is an important part of your resume/application for a job. We want you to succeed! So make sure you utilize our services, who knows what kind of awesome job it may land you?!?!?!

At 7:00 p.m. there will be a YOUTH COUNCIL MEETING. And as Kelly is back, she will be joining us! Perhaps she will grace us with stories of her amazing adventure in Guatemala. So please make sure your there if your a Youth Council rep.

At 8:00 we want you to DRAW and COLOUR! Fun, fun.

Laters :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


At 4:00 p.m. you can play CHINESE CHECKERS

At 6:00, we will need your help to SET UP THE ARENA FOR SYRUP FEST. It's a silent auction fundraiser for the Youth Centre, that's us, so please lend a hand setting up.

At 7:00 p.m. we are partyin' with Wii MARIO PARTY.

Laters :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Maple Syrup Festival Silent Auction

The Elmira Maple Syrup Festival is days away! One event happening during the Festival is our annual Youth Centre Silent Auction. It's located at the McLeod Arena at the Woolwich Memorial Centre during the Antique Show. 
Times are: Fri Apr. 5 from 6pm-9pm & Sat. Apr. 6 from 9am-2pm.
We have some fantastic items for bid this year:
-4 Toronto Blue Jay Tickets courtesy of Home Hardware Head Office
-A signed Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Stick. Signed by the entire team
- A Zero Gravity Lawn Chair from Liquidation King
- Microwave from Elmira Home Comfort
-Gift Baskets
-Gift Certificates and much more.
Items start at 50% off their retail value.


At 4:00 p.m. we are playing SCRABBLE


At 7:00 you can try and beat our new volunteer and official YC pool shark, Tasha, in a game of pool!

So to recap, today you can both go swimming at the pool and/or play pool. I guess it's a pool kind of day.

Laters :)


April. April. April...April. Can you believe it's already April? I feel the need to repeat it to myself for fear that it is simply not true. We are this close to summer, I can feel it in my bones. It's even kind of warming up. Amazing! On this most lovely second day of April, we will be MAKING A SNACK WITH ANNA at 7:00 p.m. and at 8 p.m. you can WALK THE TRACK WITH CAT.

Laters :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Our last day of March here at the Youth Centre...should I give you a moment to collect yourself?!? I know it was a shock to me, after all how could March possibly be over? Time seems to pass with great speed these days. How can this be? Has time been altered or is it merely my much to consider. Hhhmmmmmmm....that was me pondering. I cam up with nothing, how about you? is in fact the final day of March as far as the YC is concerned because we are closed tomorrow for Good Friday, we will see you again on Tuesday April 2.

But back to 3:30 grab your swim trunks and your flippy floppys. Oh and it is imperative that you do not forget your nautical themed pashmina afghan...because we are going SKATING ($2). Ha, did I get you? You thought we were going swimming didn't you? I got you good. I mean your welcome to wear your swim trunks and afghan skating, really, why not wear them? But you should remember your skates as well. Oh I just had a lovely idea: skating while wearing flippers. Pure genius. Really, I'm astonished that MIT hasn't recruited me.

At 4, for those neat enough to join us skating, we are having SKATING RACES. You can get Go 4 Gold stickers!

Also at 4:00 p.m. we will be chillin' while playin' Wii MIT, did you lose my number?

And finally, to welcome "spring" (notice the quotes, because I do not believe spring has arrived. No, I think it was a cruel and nasty joke the calendar played on us) we will PLANT A GARDEN. This activity costs $1.00.   

Have a great long weekend, the sweetest of weekends, and here's hoping the weather is nice.

Laters :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


At 4:00 we are getting our science on. How does one accomplish such a thing you ask? Well, it requires careful guidance. So bring yourself over to the YC and we will conduct MINI SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS. Fun, right?!?!

At 7:00 it's another double billing: Wii MARIO PARTY and 2 vs. 2 POOL TOURNAMENT

Hope to see you here, and remember we are open from 3 pm to 10 pm.

Laters :)


Yo, yo, yo youth! We've got a fun day for you. At 4:00 we are playing RUSH HOUR, and let me tell you I am thrilled that it is only a game of intelligence and not the real thing because I was stuck in Toronto traffic last week which was unbelievable! I much prefer the game as opposed to the real thing, anyday! At 6:30 get your swimsuits and flippy floppys ready because we're going SWIMMING. At 7:00, for those who go swimming, we have SWIMMING RACES as part of our Go 4 Gold. And finally, if that wasn't already a pretty stellar day, we are having a WAFFLE DINNER at 8:00, becayse yesterday was National Waffle Day and any excuse to eat waffles, right?!?!?

Hope your enjoying this lovely spring type weather, shouldn't be much longer. And I simply refuse to acknowledge any weather information the interweb or any other source tries to sell me, after all there will NOT be snow this week.

Laters :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


At 4:00 we are playing MASTERMIND, this is your chance to stump us! Create such an amazing puzzle that we will never be able to figure it out. And go....

At 6:30 we've got the good ol' game of HIPPIE HORSESHOES planned. It's a Go 4 Gold event, so make sure to participate and hopefully get stickers! It might just land you this weeks winnings (which happen to include some edibles).

At 7:30 we have a double billing. Yes, both DRAWING and JUNIOR ROUND TABLE will commence at that hour. The topic of the round table and this whole year will be RESPECT! So we will be thinking of things like "How can you show respect?", "Who do you respect?", "Why should we respect?", etc, get the idea. So come ready to chat about respect. Note: every time you read or say the word "respect" it should probably be said like Don Vito Corleone, just saying.

Laters :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It's the first day of spring! Can you believe we made it through winter? Although I want to celebrate and do a little happy dance, it's hard to get in the spirit when it is currently snowing out. Really snow?!? We've had enough, your welcome to take your leave now.

We have a busy day today. At 4:00 it's LET'S PLAY CARDS. At 6:30 we have a TWISTER TOURNAMENT planned. At 7:00 KARYN IS COMING TO VISIT, and we will be welcoming back our new be nice! And finally at 8:00 we've got ROCKBAND (cue amazing air guitar performance). See, I told you it was a busy one. If we keep ourselves busy maybe the snow will go away and spring will take it's place.

Laters :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


LEARN TO PLAY CHESS! Believe it or not, I don't know how to play chess. But you can avoid a fate as unfortunate as mine simply by coming into the YC today to learn how to play chess. Now, (obviously) I won't be teaching you but Cat has the best chess skills around these parts of town. So come in and learn and play and maybe challenge a worthy opponent.

7 is the hour at the Youth Centre. We've got a 1 vs 1 POOL TOURNAMENT as part of Go 4 Gold and on top of that we're playing Wii MARIO KART. Holy fun Batman...I know.

With the saddest regrets I have to announce that The Wizard of Oz musical trip has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Sorry to those who wanted to go.

Laters :)


MARCH lucky ducks! I'm trés jealous.  So today, we've got EGG & SPOON RACES at 7:00 p.m. It's part of our Go 4 Gold initiative, so let us get moving and maybe win prizes, oh yeah! At 7:30 we are walking over to THE ROBIN'S NEST to enjoy MUSIC NIGHT, soy decaf cappucino anybody? Yes, please.

And to conclude this day of March, the 12th day to be exact, we will be rocking GUITAR HERO. I must practice my drumming and guitar skills.

Laters :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Not to fret, your dearest Cat is back to her full shift today! But you have to admit it was good times we had here at the YC, just you lovely youth and me, the greatest youth worker ever! Yes, good times, good times.

At 4:00p.m. you can adorn your wrist with the KNOT & BEAD BRACELETS we will be creating.

At 6:15, if the weather cooperates of course, we will be having DISTANCE SNOW THROWS.

At 7:00 we will be watching the MOVIE "THE WIZARD OF OZ".

And as it is once again Friday, be safe and smart. But have fun.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


How can it already be March? Don't get me wrong, I'm completely in favor of it, I simply can't believe how quickly time passes. It must be all the cool things we do here at the YC. The birds will be chirping, the sun shining and the sweet warm wind will be blowing before much longer...lovely, just lovely. Okay, enough mushy poetry.

This Thursday Cat will be continuing her training and as such you get Anna all day long! Your beyond elated, I know.

At 4:00 p.m. you can try your hand at BACKGAMMON. If you don't already know how to play, come on by and I will teach you. It's a fun game.

At 7:00 p.m. we will be having YOUTH COUNCIL, all Youth Council Reps are expected to attend so please ensure your there. After all, this is the place you get to make decisions about what you will be doing at the YC. It's your opportunity to make a difference for yourself, other members and the YC at large. And I know your super bright with lots of novel ideas, so share with the rest of us. Great, glad we settled that.

Finally, to end the evening we will be having an AIR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT at 8:00 p.m.

Laters :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


CAT & KELSEY'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! This is obviously the most important thing and nothing else should be off any concern to you. 

Alright, maybe there are a few things that still need to be said. At 3:30, so basically right after school, we are playing MASTERMIND. 

At 5:30, if anyone is interested and brings back their permission form and $15.00, Anna is taking you to CHICOPEE for TUBING. Common, let's make this one happen, ya?!?!?

And at 7:00 p.m. Brynna will be leading a POOL TOURNAMENT. 

Laters :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Howdy ho, blog readers! What's new in your world? Want to know what we've got planned for you, our finest followers ever? I am going to break it down for you!

At 3:30 or 1530h military time, we are trying to MIMIC A MASTER:, that means it's craft time here at the YC! We want you to bring all those creative ideas that are just bubbling and express them in a masterpiece, created in the style of a master. Last time it was Picasso, who knows who we will mimic this time. Hint,'s Monet.

And we are trying something new tonight! At 6:30 you can BRING FOOD & EAT TOGETHER with us. Kind of like a picnic at the YC. Instead of eating at home, like you do every day, pack your food up and join us at the big gray table as we enjoy "supper/dinner" together. We're the best company in town, and basically like family! But you do need to bring your own edibles.

To end this most lovely YC day, we are playing XBox KINECT SPORTS at 1900h. Yep, good times.

Hope you'll join us.

Laters :)

Friday, February 15, 2013


MUSIC SHOW on Friday February 22, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.

Tim Lucas, Strings of Our Father and the Woolwich Youth Centre are collaborating to bring you a night of local music! Join us next Friday, in the WMC Community Room. Tickets are only $5 at the door and you get a free CD

Headlining musician and local talent, Tim Lucas

Opening musicians, local band Strings of Our Father 


Sure it's a day late but nevertheless, we are celebrating FAMILY DAY so BRING A RELATIVE! That is correct, today only, you get to bring a relative to the YC to hang out and chill with us. Bring your younger brother or sister, or maybe your cousin.What kind of fun do we have planned for you and your relative to participate in?!?! 3:00 p.m. you can buy a slice of pizza for $1.50....or you can buy 10...the point is, there will be pizza slices available for purchase at the YC!

At 4:00, we are having some good old fashioned fun with BOARD GAMES GALORE. I mean, could family day really happen without family board games? Of course not!!

And to cap of a pretty neat day we are rockin' the house with ROCKBAND VS. GUITAR HERO. Yep, classic.

Laters :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


We love our Youth! It's true. Hope you love us back. I mean, let's be serious, what's not to love?!?! I'm about as lovely and cool beans as they come and my girl Cat is equally as awesome. So why not spend today, more specifically, this day of Valentinus with us? Exactly, there is no good reason not to.

So, how do we celebrate Valentine's Day here at the Youth Centre?

At 4:00 p.m. there will be VALENTINE'S DAY TRIVIA. So you might want to do a little looking and find out some info about Valentine's Day. For example, did you know that it was not until the 15th century that Valentine's Day began to be associated with romantic expressions between couples?

At 5:00 p.m. Cat will be hosting a tutorial: LEARN TO JUGGLE. If you do not have a Valentine, perhaps you can catch one by learning to juggle and displaying your mad skills?

At 7:00 p.m. we have a CUPCAKE DECORATING CONTEST. Create a most sophisticated piece of sugary art to give to someone special or eat yourself. Really, I think that would be classified as a win, win.

And to wind our festivities down for the night, we have SILLY GAMES FOR SILLY PRIZES at 8:00 p.m.

Hope you can join us.

Laters :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Come on over to the Youth Centre after school and MAKE VALENTINE CARDS for that someone special in your life, could be your mommy or your best friend or your sweetheart!

At 6:15 test your fitness ability with a 15 MINUTE WORKOUT.

At 7:00 p.m. we have two awesome happenings: Wii MARIO KART and a YOUTH COUNCIL MEETING. This is the first Youth Council Meeting of the semester, all new Youth Council reps are expected to attend.

Laters :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


At 4 pm we are sailing the high seas and trying to avoid danger. Try your best to strategically place all your ships out of your opponents range, but it is inevitable that your battleship will be sunk. Cheer up buccaneer, it happens to the most skilled sailors. Don't forget to pack your life-vest in case of emergencies....oh wait, it's just pretend! Come join our most thrilling game of BATTLESHIP.

At 6:15 get your bodies pumped for a 5-4-3-2-1 WORKOUT. "Pump up the jam, pump it up, while your feet are stompin', and the jam is pumpin', look at here the crowd is jumpin'..." I'm sorry, I just had too!

Guess who is coming in for a visit?!?! It's Karyn! But hold your excitement, because it's not just any old, she has an activity planned for you. So make sure your here at 7:00 pm to CRAFT WITH KARYN. Good times.

Laters :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Well, we did it! We made it through January. Good job everyone. Onto February, the month of love (gag I now). LOL, it's just too fun to tease you.

For our last day in January, we are watching NATURE VIDEOS at 3:30.

6:30 SNOW SPRINTS are CANCELLED! Seriously, can we talk about the sheer and absolute craziness that is this weather?!?! I'm scared for our planet, this is not normal. Sooo, we are going to have to think of something equally as fun to do. Maybe RAIN SPRINTS? I don't know, what are your ideas?

Anyway, at 7:30 we are getting our smart on by playing CRANIUM. Yes that right, I said "getting our smart on"!

And, and, YOUTH COUNCIL ELECTIONS start! So make your voice heard, cast your vote.

Laters :)

Friday, January 25, 2013


Today, after school, we are getting our art on by trying ORIGAMI. 

At 7:00 p.m. we are trekking to the EDSS GYM to play BADMINTON.

And at 8:00 p.m. you can MAKE A SNACK WITH ANNA. Nom nom.

Laters :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


At 4:00 p.m. we are going crazy, care to join us? It's simple really, just come and check out all the amazing and awesome things we have going on at the YC. That's all you have to do. Once that is complete you will discover that you have also gone slightly (or maybe not so slightly) crazy. Or if that option doesn't appeal to you, you can just play CRAZY 8's with us. Easier, yes but where is the fun in that. You know you want to go crazy, just do it already!

At 6:45 we will be going on a WINTER WALK. Make sure to dress warmly and wear proper shoes, maybe something with good traction. Seriously, dress well! Neature can still be fun even in this crazy cold winter temperatures, you just have to ensure your prepared adequately.

Kiwanis Key Club is coming to Elmira and we are hosting an information session here at the YC at 7:00 p.m. If you attend this meeting, you are entered into a draw to win a $15.00 Subway card.

Also at 7:00 p.m. we are getting just a bit crazier by having a CROKINOLE TOURNAMENT. Do we know how to party or what?

Laters :)

Friday, January 18, 2013


At 3:30 we are playing 20 QUESTIONS.

At 5:30 there is a BALANCE CHALLENGE.

At 6:30 Anna will be headed to GALAXY THEATRE, Conestoga Mall to watch a moving picture, or as you young people refer to it, a "movie". Permission forms are required and it costs $10.00. Soooo, let's make this one happen, ya?!?!

And finally, at 7 p.m. we will be ending our evening with Wii BOWLING TOURNEY.

Yep, that's it for today.

Laters :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Look outside!!!! It's snowing! But unfortunately, it's not enough for any real winter fun.

At 4:00, for our after-school segment of the day, we are playing MONOPOLY.

At 6:45, we are suppose to have SNOWPANTS RACES, but there may or may not be enough snow. It's is currently snowing, so let us remain hopeful.

And to end this most Friday-ish of Fridays, we are closing the Youth Centre down for the weekend, but not before we rock out to some GUITAR HERO.

It's snowing, and some of you can drive independently, so I'm going to get all Uncle Ben on you: "With great power comes great responsibility". Yes, driving a 4000 lb. speed machine at 80+ km, can be dangerous. Not only to you but also to everyone else on the road. But I know you are waaaayyyy to smart and caring to make any stupid decisions. Just remember to be smart and careful, pretty please with a cherry on top. Otherwise, enjoy your weekend.

Laters :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am a mastermind. To even consider arguing this fact would be absurd and an utter waste of oxygen. And, as I know all you YC youth are far to smart to ever consider disputing that fact, I will get to the point, saving you all the details of my absolute genius...we are playing MASTERMIND at 4:00 p.m. It is a game of strategy and in other words, ridiculously fun!

At 6:45 p.m. we are headed outside to enjoy the snow, depending of course on the weather! Come and BUILD A SNOW FORT with us (fingers crossed we get a massive blizzard over night and accumulate a whack ton of snow, otherwise we have some improvising to do). If we are lucky enough to get snow, we could use your creativity and muscle. If we are not lucky, and there is no snow (sad panda), we will need your crazy and fun ideas of what to do instead. 

POOL TOURNAMENT at 7:30 p.m., be there or be a know, like a pool table. Oh yeah, our black 8 ball is still missing. If you know anything about what has happened to our poor black 8 ball please let us know. Hard to play a proper game of pool without it. It really just wants to come back home and see it's ball brothers and sisters again.

Today is also the day our Youth Council nominations start. Soooo, if you think someone should be part of our Youth Council, consider nominating them or nominate yourself! The Youth Council gets to help plan and make important decisions regarding the YC. It's a great way to have a say and make a difference in this place you love so much. Hopefully you consider it. Come and talk to Anna and/or Cat for more info.

Laters :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The Youth Centre has got a full and fun day planned. 

At 4 p.m. we are experimenting with a new art project called Mimic The Master.

We are playing Twister and Kinect Tennis in the afternoon. 

There is a Youth Council Meeting at 7 p.m. 

It's a great day to come check us out! For more information, contact Anna or Cat 
at (519) 669-3539.


DODGEBALL! Only one of the funnest games on earth. That's right, I'm a big fan of throwing balls at people. But don't fear, my aim needs much work. A while ago, I even met someone who participated in the World Dodgeball Championships in Las Vegas (yes, it's a real thing...I looked it up). Come along with us as we go to the EDSS gym to play dodgeball. Who knows, maybe you'll one day have the honor of attending the World Championships and reign supreme in the dodgeball community! We are headed over around 7:00 p.m. if your interested in joining.

At 7:30 p.m. we will be MAKING BEESWAX CANDLES. Beeswax candles are great! They are natural, fragrance free and environmentally friendly (although they are not considered vegan). They are a powerful candle, so why not come and make one for FREE here at the Youth Centre?!?!

Laters :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013


At 4:00 p.m. there we are DRAWING CARTOON ANIMALS.

At 7:00 p.m. we are going SWIMMING at WMC. If you'd like to join us, you just need to bring $3.00.

And our evening event is a DISNEY MOVIE MARATHON. So bring your favorites and let's do this thing. 

Laters :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


It's a bit of a special day here at the Youth Centre. We are only open from 3-5 p.m. Yes you read that correctly and I know it makes you very sad indeed but do not fret, as we are back to regular hours tomorrow! So "What's with the funky hours?" you ask! Well, it's the WCS Staff Christmas and Cat and Anna are going. You'll miss us terribly I know but alas, it's simply one evening and you will see us again on Thursday.

Laters :)

Friday, January 4, 2013


Your back to school! I'm sure your super excited...but remember that you can never be overdressed or over-educated. So when your feeling a little gloomy about your school work or classes, just picture the incredibly exciting life you want in the future and realize all your hard work will eventually lead to that life. So work hard now to enjoy everything you dream of in the future. Okay, I'll quit with the inspirational stuff.

So back to the matter at hand, our Tuesday happenings! So...our after school program this fine day is BUILD A CARD HOUSE. And for whatever reason, and I have absolutely no idea where it stems from, I expect some foul play during this challenge. So, I'm setting up the rules right sabotaging or attempted sabotage of other peoples card houses, you hear!?!?! Let's just respect each other and have fun. Got that!?!?

7:00 p.m. is the hour at the YC today. We've got some DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION and EDSS GYM for SOCCER. It will be a difficult decision to make.

Laters :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's just a gaming kind of day here at the Youth Centre. The first game we will play will be Wii JEOPARDY. So come on over at 4:00 p.m. to play. Around 6:30 we will be bundling up in our warmest cold weather gear and heading outside to brave the elements while also playing OUTDOOR BALL HOCKEY! Just make sure to dress warm enough, layers are always a good idea. And finally at 7:00 we are hitting our comfy couches to play SPORTS VIDEO GAMES. Relaxed but so much fun. Come chill with us.

Laters :)


It's officially a new year folks! 2012 is over and we have ushered in 2013. We here at the Youth Centre are super excited to have the whole year ahead of us. The unlimited possibilities are just so vast and thrilling. Are you as excited as we are? You should be!

But, since the holidays just ended and you lucky ducks are not back to your regular school schedules yet, we thought we would ease you, very gently, into the extreme awesomeness that we have planned for January.  Today at 4pm the game UNO will be played. At 6:15 Anna will be running a PUSH-UP CONTEST...and you can even win a prize! So let's get our bellies to the ground and push our way through as many as we can handle.And by "we" I totally and completely mean you.  But, before you turn and run because I have asked you to exercise...there is a prize for the person able to do the most push-ups! And at 7:30, we are having a POOL TOURNAMENT...for a prize! I know, I know, we are just so good to you...but the honest truth is that you deserve it for being our cool youth. Hoorah for everyone. Oh my, the spirit of the new year took ahold of me for a moment, I got a little carried away. Hope to see all your lovely faces soon.

Laters :)